Over the years, many talanted people have been involved with m0n0wall development, and several have written additional documentation for m0n0wall development which are beyond the scope of this manual, or which is out of date and no longer applies. However, a lot of this documentation can give a greater understanding of how small FreeBSD based appliances (Such as SmallWall, t1t1wall, pfSense, OPNsense, nas4free and freeenas) work. This chapter provides a reference to some of those sources to help you when you find yourself in a situation not covered in detail in this manual.
An Introduction to m0n0wall Development - Michael Iedema
Custom m0n0wall images howto - Jean-Francois Theroux (Link is broken. If you have a copy, let me know!)
m0n0wall Documentation Project - Chris Buechler
If you have written something on SmallWall, or other FreeBSD appliance based development, please email Lee Sharp to have it listed here.